Where to find a fact or room image association?

If you assigned a fact or a room image to more than one room type, you and your distribution partners can find the detailed information in the XML and JSON code of your property.

Via the Open Content Link of your property, you and your distribution partners can access the XML and JSON code. See an example with the XML code:

In the XML code you will see right before the descriptions start a part called variant groups:

If you search for the code in blue in the XML code, you will see for example this:

The fact "442" applies to these room types (aka variant ID's). In this case, fact 442 references that a "dining area" is available.

Regarding the images, for each photo, you can see this here: 

If you search for the image ID's in this XML document, you will see which ones they are:

Further information is available in GIATA's XML documentation.