What are the GIATA Additional Features or Dashboard Features?

The Dashboard Features serve as an essential tracking tool, empowering property managers to gain valuable insights into the digital presence of their property.
They can be found in DRIVE under Analytics and Insights:
The page called "Dashboard" offers a summary of the information found in these 4 pages. 
The scores on the Dashboard in the DRIVE frontend refer to:
1. Facts: Our factsheet has a capacity of around 800 facts. The average number of facts per hotel is around 120, so we suggest introducing more facts for a better score in this category.

2. Tour Operators: This page provides a comprehensive and instant overview of the information available in tour operator (TO) catalogs for your properties. It differentiates between TOs that receive automatic updates from GIATA, marked with a "Push" symbol, and those that selectively refresh content. The tab tracks updates made through GIATA’s distribution and any changes resulting from outreach via the Open Content Link.

The tab highlights TO catalogs with fewer or potentially outdated images, displaying the number of images available in the column next to the hotel name.

Additionally, the tab facilitates outreach to new tour operators by providing up-to-date, multilingual, and easily exportable content via the Open Content Link, helping to improve your overall TO score. New TOs that add your property to their portfolios appear automatically within this tab.

3. Sales Channels or Distribution: number of suppliers which have mapped a property in their portfolio, compared to how many mappings the top hotel in your area has. GIATA has an ongoing collaboration with these suppliers, but this doesn't mean that they are necessarily updating thmapse changes made onto GIATA DRIVE as soon as they take place. GIATA encourages the hoteliers to reach out to a supplier directly if they find any outdated information on this tab, forwarding them the Open Content Link, and requesting the update. 

Refer to the Channel List in DRIVE to identify all the channels included in GIATA's distribution network.

4. Images: The image score can be improved by uploading sufficient images. To achieve a perfect score of 100%, a total of 50 images must be uploaded, as certain channels, such as Booking.com, only distribute the first 50 images provided.

The Compare Hotels tab in GIATA DRIVE analyzes how a property compares to competitors within a selected radius of 10 km, 50 km, or larger. It compiles a comparison list and evaluates key performance metrics side by side.

By presenting these insights, the tab helps identify competitive advantages and highlights areas for improvement in content quality and distribution.