The download stops. How do I download the data?

The initial download in particular is extensive and has to be done in several steps.

<error><code>404</code><description>could not retrieve data. please check request.</description></error>

This message appears when the query was aborted. The user should only download using the query parameters, i.e. download per country or per supplier. The possibility of retrieving multiple objects with one query is explained in the documentation.


Other sources of error:

Parallel Queries

Parallel queries are often sent to the interface to speed up the download. However, this leads to an overload of the interface and is generally not recommended. There is also a limit for the maximum number of parallel queries to the same IP address, which means users will receive an error message if this limit is exceeded.

Missing data


The user will receive a corresponding error message if he tries to access available data but it is not enabled in his user account.